Thursday, August 26, 2010

Kindergarten Orientation

Summed up, kindergarten orientation is a slew of maddness confined to a very small space, piled with confusion, too much emotion, and two softspoken women that just want to go home.  Princess' teacher went to High School with me, she's very nice, it should be a good year.  But all those kids in one space?!  My gracious!  It takes a Saint, I swear.  Princess had a good time.  She played quite well and didn't mind being out on the playground without us.  It was so much easier with twins.  I never had to worry about if they made friends, or had any troubles because there was always another child to play with or to stand up for them.  This is a whole new beast.  And she's a girl!  I'm rarely ever very sensitive about these things, but this one was a toughy.  So that leads me to my next thought...
When you see someone that you went to high school with, or something like that, and haven't seen the person in years, do you say something?  A girl that was three yrs. older than me was at the orientation tonight.  I know she didn't know me, but I remember her.  I am always the "duck your head, don't say hi" person.  My husband laughs at me.  I don't really even say hi to people that I was friendly with in High School.  It's just weird for me, after all these years.  Silly right?
Side Bar- Twin A has lunch and classes without brother this year.  And surrogate twin/triplet has lunch with twin B.  Twin A is freakin.  Man I remember those days.  So funny, and such a bummer!
Work tomorrow.  I love my job.  I love my clients.  They are the extention of my sanity.  Loves it!  Gnight!

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